Improving Health and Wellness
AIDS Alabama is dedicated to helping you stay healthy. Through our health and wellness programs AIDS Alabama provides culturally sensitive, LGBTQ-friendly services. The LGBTQ and Black communities have been profoundly affected by HIV. As part of a comprehensive approach to treatment, education and prevention of HIV, AIDS Alabama provides housing, health care services, health insurance premium assistance and support groups designed to empower community members living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS Alabama also offers comprehensive Prevention Programs which provide HIV testing and STI testing and treatment, counseling and outreach to at-risk communities.
Clients who come to AIDS Alabama for testing or health care are treated with dignity, respect, and, above all, compassion. We help anyone in need of care, and we do not discriminate. Our team of professionals and our supporters in the community are passionate about health equity and believe everyone deserves high-quality healthcare. We are glad you found us.
Case Management
Case Management provided at AIDS Alabama is designed to enhance independence and increase the overall quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS. It is also intended to help clients identify their needs and to overcome the obstacles they may face in obtaining services.
Housing Assistance
AIDS Alabama offers several housing options for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families as well as people who are homeless regardless of their HIV status. We believe that stable, affordable housing is a vital component in halting the spread of HIV.
The rising cost of gasoline and the expense of maintaining a car have caused many of AIDS Alabama's clients to seek out more affordable transportation to medical and social service appointments. AIDS Alabama provides a range of transportation services to qualified clients.
Support Groups
AIDS Alabama offers a wide range of informational, educational and recreational activities for clients and their families.
Mental Health
AIDS Alabama also provides mental health services to clients with HIV or AIDS. This includes individual and group counseling sessions, as appropriate for each client. AIDS Alabama understands that people affected or infected by HIV/AIDS often have limited resources and few places to turn for programs such as mental health counseling.
Linkage to Care
The AIDS Alabama's Linkage to Care program assists people who have newly tested HIV positive with HIV medical care.
The program consists of up to 5 sessions, including:
– What is HIV/AIDS and Labs
– Stigma, Privacy/Confidentiality, and Support
– Medication, Side Effects, and Adherence
– Life Span and Life Styles
– Talking with Your Doctor and What to Expect
If one enrolls into the program, the Linkage Coordinator works with the newly tested participants in identifying locations and times that best suit their unique privacy and scheduling needs for each session.